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The importance of vocabulary here

The INTERRUPTION GAME:  fast, fun, highly effective and exciting no-prep speaking activity which engages all the class against one student.

Set your timer at 5 minutes.

Choose a student to tell us their typical day from the moment they wake up till the moment they turn off the light to sleep.  His aim is to get to the end of the day having given a very detailed account filling all the five minutes (no less – no more).

The aim of the rest of the class is to stop him from getting to the end of his day by interrupting him with pertinent details regarding what he is saying:

  • “Do you get out of bed on the left side or the right side?”
  • “Do you share your room with a brother or a sister?”
  • “What colour are the curtains in your bedroom?”
Anything which connects to what the student is telling the class.  The student obviously has to answer the questions before continuing.

The teacher listens and makes a note on the board of wrong questions or answers, which are only subsequently corrected altogether by the class guided by the teacher.

I read about this activity in a blog about a year ago but cannot remember who to credit for it.  In any case students tend to love it and participate eagerly with the consequential benefit of practice and learning.

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